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BloomBox 3.0

UNHCR site: Dowa region
Dzaleka Refugee Camp

BloomBox 3.0

The third BloomBox was installed in July 2023 at the Dzaleka Refugee Camp. This installation, a collaboration between BB Design Labs, the Malawi Ministry of Education, and the United Nations Commissioner for Refugees, brought electricity and education technology to a settlement of 100,000 people with sparse access to STEAM education. BB 3.0 maintained the kiosk dimensions of 2.0, transportability and modularity, but added a newly designed and patented retractable roof system that opens like a flower in the daytime to expose its mounted solar panels to sunlight, and retracts in the evening for safety and security purposes.

The production of BB 3.0 was the most efficient and streamlined to date, with all materials sourced locally. Although site-specific configuration and logistics were coordinated locally over a few months, on site Installation took place over the span of 3 days, and the fully functional BloomBox was ready on schedule.

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